Instruments International, one of the largest & quality multi brand source having more than 30 years of experience in the field of test & measuring instruments offers wide range of high quality products at affordable prices.
2017 has been marked as a glorious year, when we completed 25 Years of our services.
We are dedicated to continually evolving our knowledge and experience in order to deliver innovative products and expertise that advance our customers Technologies. We have steadily grown towards our goal to market and service, testing and Measuring Instruments.
Instruments International is managed and directed by a team of highly qualified engineers, led by the founder Mr. M. K. Bothra- a dynamic entrepreneur and self-made businessman.
We enjoy a huge customers base in India covering Govt. Deptts., PSU’s, DRDO’s, Educational Institutions, MNC’s, IIT’s, Automobiles, Electronic & Electrical Instruments Manufactures etc.
© 2023 Instruments International. Designed by MH